Marco BaruffatoResponsible Communication Consultant & Trainer

•Social Media Marketing
•Blog and Website
•Content Management
•Founder and Manager of BK
Comunicazione (2012)
•Director and founder de La Voce del
Ceresio (
Marco Baruffato, Class 1983, has graduated with full marks in Varese in Technical sciences of Communication, at the University of Insubria.
Following a specialization course in journalism and multimedia, he builds and collaborates his skills as freelance, collaborating with many companies and professionals in Varese areas.
In 2012 he won the Start Competition of Lombardy region in the category of young entrepreneurs under 35 and founded BK Communications a small and dynamic agency, offering services and consultancy about Web marketing and, more generally, enterprise communication.
After his meeting with Pierluigi Borgonovo in 2017, was born the collaboration that will lead him to join the project BB Creative.
Ho visto molti imprenditori tagliare sulla comunicazione al primo cenno di difficoltà. Ma è proprio quando arriva un momento critico che comunicare bene diventa essenziale.